Liebeslied Love Song

Liebeslied / Love Song
Inspired by the passion and artistry of Clara & Robert Schumann, Liebeslied/Love Song draws from songs, chamber music and letters of this quintessential romantic duo and the poetry they most revered. The program traces Robert and Clara Schumann’s complex, passionate relationship from its earliest manifestations in 1833 through their long-awaited marriage in 1840 (Robert’s Year of Song), and the subsequent birth of their eight children. Featured works include excerpts from the letters of Robert and Clara Schumann; poetry of Byron, Shelley, Goethe, Ruckert, Chamisso, and others; songs from Clara Schumann’s Liebesfruhling and Sechs Lieder; Robert Schumann’s: Frauenliebe und Leben, and Myrten; Kinderscenen; Piano Quartet and others.
Featuring guest artists Lois Shapiro, Pianist & Diana McVey, Soprano